When I took my first proper analysis course in undergrad, I always lacked of appreciation of the $$\varepsilon$$’s and the $$\delta$$’s in “real life problems”. Myself from a …
Almost always we hear about classification or machine learning problems, the go-to methods to solve the problem are neural networks, or multi-layered percetrons (MLP). Now function approximation …
When I took the course on Real Analysis, it made me very nervous. I was having fever dreams from the past when I took undergraduate real analysis and the epsilon-delta definitions just did not make a …
In my last post I touched upon the intuition behind topological compactness. We as engineers often hear about the word ‘compact’ as a soft gatekeeping tool from doing serious …
This is a non-mathematical note on what I understand about compactness and what it means for a set or a space to be compact. The open cover definition is one that can be found in any textbook, but …