Omanshu's blog

I will post here about many things from a bird’s eye view until I think I know enough to write about a few in some depth.

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Mar 16, 2022
Why I am studying this: Data Driven Safety This is my attempt to try to motivate and justify why I am studying what I study, and to try to justify the title of my ...
Sep 16, 2019
The Industry-Academia split in Control Systems I often wonder why the "cutting edge" research that we read about in the foremost scientific journals & conferences in C...
Sep 12, 2019
MLP Approximation Almost always we hear about classification or machine learning problems, the go-to methods to solve the problem are neu...
Aug 25, 2019
Birds and Frogs in Science One of my fellow grad students shared a paper with me that turned out to be a great read. It was Professor Freeman Dyso...
Aug 24, 2019
Real Analysis Notes When I took the course on Real Analysis, it made me very nervous. I was having fever dreams from the past when I took u...
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