One of my fellow grad students shared a paper with me that turned out to be a great read. It was Professor Freeman Dyson’s article titled Birds and Frogs, that was the invited Einstein …
When I took the course on Real Analysis, it made me very nervous. I was having fever dreams from the past when I took undergraduate real analysis and the epsilon-delta definitions just did not make a …
The internet is filled with machine learning resources, and one of the most annoying things about them is the sheer volume. There are many attempts at making compilations of papers, code, and current …
In my last post I touched upon the intuition behind topological compactness. We as engineers often hear about the word ‘compact’ as a soft gatekeeping tool from doing serious …
This is a non-mathematical note on what I understand about compactness and what it means for a set or a space to be compact. The open cover definition is one that can be found in any textbook, but …